to care

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lab director
Dr. Tina Montreuil is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Educational and Counselling Psychology at McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, as well as a registered Clinical Psychologist at a private clinic in Westmount, Quebec.

C.A.R.E.'s current research focuses on investigating the role of belief, attitudes and emotion regulation in anxiety disorders and how deficits at the level of these strategies and affect may interfere with self-regulated learning in a group context, as well as to contribute to the development of psychopathology. Parental socialization of emotions on the use of emotion regulation strategies in children is also investigated. C.A.R.E. Research Group has developed a manualized intervention targeting emotion and self-regulation, as well as executive functioning and metacognition in school-aged children aimed at improving academic achievement and overall social functioning. In addition to developing a Parent-focused resiliency program, her group is also currently developing a Teacher Training guide focused on Resiliency and Mental Health as well as working on various projects promoting teacher mental health literacy.
Much of Dr. Montreuil's Research Group activities focus on advocating for the implementation of School-Based Mental Health practices and philosophies. She is currently a member of a number of regional and provincial working groups whose primary aim is to devise a plan on how to implement and promote mental health and wellbeing in schools.
Current research projects
Développement de méthodes pédagogiques innovantes de prise en charge des troubles cognitifs et psychiques dans l’enseignement supérieur (FRQNT).
Une étude évaluant l'efficacité d'un programme éducatif visant la régulation émotionnelle sur les attitudes et la motivation face aux mathématiques (FRQSC).
Improving Student Achievement in Mathematics: The Role of an Emotion Regulation School-Based Intervention in Complex Problem Solving (SSHRC).
Manualized group cognitive-behavioral therapy for social anxiety in first episode psychosis: A randomized controlled trial (CIHR).

For prospective students, potential collaboration, psychotherapy or to participate in our current research projects please fill out the form with your contact information and indicate the nature of your inquiry.
A research assistant from CARE Research Group will respond shortly.
If you are reaching out to ask for a volunteer or RA position, please write to care.lab@mcgill.ca directly and attach your CV and transcript. Thank you!